Colombia Tres: Al Final

(Please note that this post has nothing to do with Al – so lower your expectations dramatically).

View over Corcora 

We touched down in Medellin and headed immediately for the souvenir store. Hot items on the day were these particular ceramic pots beloved by mum. There was some other pretty sick stuff too – some great craftsmanship.

Continue reading “Colombia Tres: Al Final”

Trek Report: Patagonia National Park

The centrepiece of our time in Chile was a trek through what will soon be known as Patagonia National Park; when we did the walk, the route went through three separate parks – Reserva Nacional Jeinimeni, Parque Patagonia (privately owned and operated), and Reserva Nacional Tamango. The route we followed is described in detail at It was awesome.


This trek was all Al – he picked the trek, worked out how we were going to get there, and downloaded the maps. So cheers, Al.

The hike began in Reserva Jeinimeni, about a two hour drive from Chile Chico. It took a big effort to get the to start of the hike (see Chile post) but, finally, there we were. Hanging about on the grassy lawn outside the ranger’s hut, mountains all around us, and only some Spanish forms between us and nature.

Continue reading “Trek Report: Patagonia National Park”